beeswax wrapper



Wrap it right
Seal it tight
Bee-friendly delight
beeswax wrapper


Beeswax wonders – the eco-chic solution to embrace a greener tomorrow. Crafted from nature's finest beeswax, our products not only protect your cherished items but also safeguard our planet. These enchanting beeswax wraps and containers wrap your goods in a warm embrace, keeping them fresh and guilt-free, while bidding farewell to single-use plastics. Elevate your sustainable lifestyle with a touch of buzzworthy elegance and show the world that eco-conscious living can be both exquisite and conscientious.


University of Southern California


A natural and biodegradable alternative to traditional plastic packaging that is reusable, compostable, and made from a renewable resource.
University of Southern California


Reusable and biodegradable wraps, made from organic cotton, coconut oil, tree resin, and natural beeswax, provide a solution to the problem of single-use plastic waste
University of Southern California


Consumers, food producers and retailers, environmentalists
University of Southern California


Beeswax-based items offer a more environmentally conscious option for packaging, surpassing the eco-friendliness of traditional plastic wrappers.